common. Logic


Most people base all their decisions on trust. It’s simple and comfortable. People work for companies they trust, buy and use products they trust, go to eat in places they trust, want to be surrounded only by people they trust.

Trust is just another way to say that people love routine and the absence of change. That is what trust really is; knowing exactly what to expect from something or someone. This is how trust is built. Repeated actions and results until familiarity overcomes fear and insecurity.

People become loyal costumers when they know that the product they buy will be the same every time. They have a need and choose the best known solution. Usually when something fits a need people stop searching. This is why only a few persons experiment new products without any insight. Most people will do so only at a recommendation from someone else or when they have enough information about the product to know that it might fit their needs.

The same principle applies to friends. People win trust by having the same type of response to similar situations. People love people that have patterns and habits. Once you get to understand how the other people will act, then the element of surprise is gone and trust is gained.

But change is inevitable. Sooner or later the company is going to change, the product will be changed, even the people around you will change. This is the moment when people get disappointed because they feel their trust has been broken. The truth is that it’s just a change in routine and has nothing to do with trust.

The only way around this is trust based on principles and not on repeated actions. You can trust a company to always try to come up with the most innovative product, the place you go to eat at to do their best to prepare something you like, the persons next to you to think of doing what’s best for them but for you as well.

Thus, even if it’s not what you had expected, you will know that it’s the best option they could offered.