common. Logic

The right questions

In order to get the answers you want you need to ask the right questions. This is as plain and as simple as it gets. Thus questions are seen just a mean of finding out the information you need. But questions are much more than that. Self-asked questions have the power to change our approach and motivation.

Asking the right question can make the difference between being motivated and excited or being afraid and disappointed, between failure and success. When facing a new project or a new task you can approach it in totally different ways by the questions you ask yourself. You can change your attitude and way of acting just by asking the right questions.

“What do I need in order to succeed” is totally different from “What do I have to do to avoid failure”. The first is creating a mindset where you focus on finding solutions and alternatives for success while the second puts fear as a main drive for actions.

The same goes for “What can I do for time to pass faster” vs “How can I make the most of the time I have”, “What’s the less I can pay for” vs “How can I get the most out of the X sum”, “What’s the latest I can wake up tomorrow” vs “How early can I get up and still get enough sleep”.

The right mindset is also defined by asking the right questions.